EOS® for Finance: Developing financial literacy

by Feb 1, 2020Entrepreneurial Operating System, EOS, Finance, Insights

As the finance lead, you are in a unique position help the whole organization with their own financial literacy. I have heard several leaders in the finance seat get feedback to increase their facetime with the organization, so I want to remind you of the unique opportunity you have to help strengthen the DATA component (remember the EOS® Model) and equip the leaders with knowledge to be more data-driven decision makers.

A few ideas:

  1. Facilitate the 8 Cash Flow Drivers tool with a group of leaders. If having a co-facilitator would help, let me know and I would be glad to do it.
  2. Volunteer to come to any L10 to help a team IDS a topic that needs financial input.
  3. Set up a review rhythm of budgets, capital plans, or anything else you drive in the organization (some of you do all the quoting) with the group of leaders that are impacted by your decisions – to review, listen, and help develop and/or tweak the process so it works better.

Here’s the past post that has a couple of other ideas: http://scottpatchin.com/2019/10/eos-for-finance-developing-financial-literacy-in-your-organization/

Contact me if you need more guidance.

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