Entrepreneurial Operating System

Tools for Better Quarterly Conversations

Even if you talk with your team members and have regular check-ins, the quarterly conversations are still a critical part of EOS. They offer a unique opportunity to truly listen to what each individual team member has to...

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Why Every Member of Your Team Should Lead

If I asked you to draw me a picture of a leader, you might pull together a confident and commanding CEO running a meeting, a press conference, or a standup with a group of people. Leaders tend to stand out for how they carry themselves, what they wear, and certainly...

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Why Delegating is a Vital Skill in Business

If you aren’t comfortable passing work off to members of your team, now is the time to start getting used to the idea. Many leaders are exhausted by all the work on their plate, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by a mountainous to-do list....

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Onboarding New Leaders into EOS

Preface: I have a great passion for this topic. It ties directly to the first Core Focus I wrote over: “My passion is to maximize growth and minimize pain to help leaders move to, and past, the tipping point of success.” It also comes from the fact that I have...

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Tips for Collaborating: Boards & Leadership Teams

Some organizations, especially those with a board of directors, may ask themselves: Is EOS really the best option for us? How does it work in an organizational structure with a board? The answer is, it works great! Let me be clear, EOS is...

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How to Become the Best Integrator-Visionary Dynamic Duo

How to Become the Best Integrator-Visionary Dynamic Duo

I just returned from my quarterly meeting with all of my fellow EOS Implementers. My single biggest takeaway? How much effort has gone into the tools helping Integrators develop as leaders and build an incredibly strong Visionary/Integrator relationship. In EOS, the...

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