One revelation I’ve had over the past three years in business for myself and in volunteering to work with people trying to get back into the job market is how easy it is to stop living purposefully.  This becomes apparent when someone loses a job and has to sit down and write a resume.  Too often it becomes a narrative of activity, but lacks clarifying themes of what we are passionate about and how we have continued to reflect on, refine, and apply our gifts to the world around us.

What are the themes to your story? I captured the key pieces into something I call trUYou™, which is a model to focus people on defining their Talents, Passions, Rewards, and Realities.trUYou: our model for developing self-awareness

How have your themes made a difference at work and outside of work for you?  What are some of those successes?  Where have you failed and learned?

I partnered with Sara Kay Clark of to create an experience at that will take people through a 6 step process to be purposeful about sharing and building their U.  We define U as the personal brand the world sees, and we use the single letter U because we want to get away from the advertising/Madision Avenue imagery that the word brand often evokes.  Interested?  Here is a link to the experience – go see for yourself and join other travelers (a Mightybell term).

This Mightybell experience is a cross between a social experiment and a passionate charge to help people live purposefully.  I often say talent management is a great conversation.  As you will see in the Mightybell experience, we encourage you to have a conversation with yourself (ie: self reflection), a friend, and your manager.  The goal is to more purposefully apply our talents and passions in such a way that it makes a difference in the organizations/communities where we are and writes a story that can be told later.   That is our U.

Do you know someone who is working on defining and applying their U? Pass on this link and let them join other travelers in the journey.

Here is to living and working purposefully. 🙂

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