Performance Management

Tools for Better Quarterly Conversations

Even if you talk with your team members and have regular check-ins, the quarterly conversations are still a critical part of EOS. They offer a unique opportunity to truly listen to what each individual team member has to...

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Not enough…money? Time? How to move to enough.

Not enough…money? Time? How to move to enough.

Not enough money. Not enough time. Not enough resources. Not enough budget. Do you live in the state of any of these? A wealth manager taught me something today that translates through a lot of situations leaders run into personally and with the teams they lead. Explore it and learn a couple of key questions that can help move past ‘not enough’ to ‘enough’.

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Communication: One reality and three healthy habits

Communication: One reality and three healthy habits

Communication is a critical leadership skill. Here is one reality to frame the conversation and three habits that will become skills if leaders commit to them. People-centered leaders make communication a priority and focus on it daily. Listen . . . Lead. Repeat often!

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Why learning TOGETHER is best – the data!

Why learning TOGETHER is best – the data!

Would you invest millions in equipment and NOT send technicians/engineers to training to learn how to setup and optimize it? No – – and yet we spend billions each year on leadership training and do just that. Here is data on why that is a bad idea and how to get better ROI for leadership training.

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3 Reasons Career Discussions Don’t Happen; 2.5 Steps to Start

3 Reasons Career Discussions Don’t Happen; 2.5 Steps to Start

Do you have a plan for your best people on where they will be in a year? Two years? What is keeping you from asking your people about the future? Here are the 3 reasons leaders don’t ask and 2.5 steps to start this conversation. Included are links to all the resources you need to equip your people to Own It! (including a free whitepaper and links to my 4 favorite posts on this topic).

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The ONE question leaders should answer hourly

The ONE question leaders should answer hourly

I’ll soon be publishing a list of 5 books I recommend for leadership book clubs. A new addition is my favorite book I’ve read this year: Triggers by Marshall Goldsmith. Here is why every leader and EOS/Entrepreneurial Operating System® leader (or any people-centered leader) should read it.

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3 Tips for Getting Your People to Own Their Development

3 Tips for Getting Your People to Own Their Development

Seth Godin says “it is your job to figure out the path” and while most people will say they want to learn and develop, it is important that people demonstrate that ownership as part of the process. Not everybody is ready for it, and as a leader you need to spend your time with people that are ready. Here are three tips for testing individual ownership for growth and development.

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