
Johari Window and Leadership Development – 4 Ways to Increase Self Awareness

Every time I share the JoHari Window with a group of leaders I am amazed at the impact it has on their view of the conversations they have with their team. The Johari Window is a simple and powerful tool for leaders to see the impact they can have on the everyday conversations with their people that are the foundation of strong and trusting relationships. Here are some tips for using this tool to become a more people-centered leader.

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3 Questions to Shift Perspective on Performance Gaps

3 Questions to Shift Perspective on Performance Gaps

Too often we see performance gaps as things that are to be hidden or apologized for. Our narrative around these events contain adjectives like poor or disappointing, which only makes us want to escape them more. It does not take a Psychology major to spot someone who is not comfortable in their work – we just have to listen to the story they are telling. Then you find a person or place where gaps are accepted and more energy is put into talking about them . . .

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Powerful Questions

Powerful Questions

Great conversations start with a question. What if that question was a powerful question? Leaders that ask powerful questions invite themselves and the people around them to bring more of their heart and mind to their work. Here are four powerful questions to add to your script and resources to explore more.

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Wait Not – Waste Not

Wait Not – Waste Not

In the age of lean thinking waste has become a focus. While the focus is often financial and physical waste, the waste to our organization of waiting is often overlooked.

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Simple but not Easy

Simple but not Easy

Simple and not easy characterizes many choices we have to make as leaders. Simple blurs the resistance that keeps us from moving forward with decisions that are not easy.

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Owning Your Performance: Gremlin Training 101

Rick Carson calls them Gremlins. Seth Godin calls it our Lizard Brain. A key part of performance is learning to get unstuck when we are faced with a big challenge. Leaders need to be great at this, and helping your team become great at this will do amazing things for individual and organizational performance. Here are some learning resources that will help you develop mastery as a leader and equip others to join you on the journey.

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#peoplecentered #leadership – A Hashtag Does Not Make It So

What is leadership? How effectively am I leading? I believe great conversations start with a question, and here are the answers a group of leaders gave me during a recent presentation of my keynote workshop #peoplecentered #leadership – A Hashtag Does Not Make It So. It was a great conversation.

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How to win the Talent War – part 2

Nature abhors a vacuum. In the war for talent, your leadership weapon is to create positive vacuums and provide support for those willing to fill them in a positive way. It is not always easy work, but it will be the work that makes you stand out as a leader. Talent management, when done well, is about building a team of vacuum fillers and being skilled at creating the right vacuums. Read on . . .

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