A great quote from Malcolm Gladwell. Thinking is great, but don’t forget the preparation (ie. work)!
Is it possible to hire all A players? Three Realities
Everyone wants to hire the best people. It is hard to argue with the strategy, but is it really possible and is it the best strategy. This addresses the realities of that strategy for organizations who want to do it but might be struggling with the results of their efforts or just want to figure out where to start.
Want to Keep Your Best People? Learn to Grow Garlic! Let Me Explain . . .
What does it take to retain your good people? We often get lost in the many leadership books and surveys, and we forget the basics of engagement. Take a look at this topic through the eyes of a garlic farmer, and with some simple steps you can have a huge impact on how your people feel about you, their work, and the organization.
7 Leadership Lessons from Dave Bing
Dave Bing has a tough job as the Mayor of Detroit. He is also an amazing person that continues to demonstrate great leadership and the heart of a servant. He has what Time Magazine described as “one of the most thankless jobs in America”, and he is currently running to keep it! Here are 7 lessons I heard as he shared is story with the Grand Rapids (Michigan) Economic Club.
B players have lots of value – How to tap into it
Often the steady performers on a team get overlooked. With this catagory there is lots of potential, and some people that are allowed to stay there even though they are having a negative impact on the team. Learn a different way of looking at this group and three steps to getting more engagement from these solid performers.
Mastery – One of keys to success! Part 3 of 3
Mastery is “available to anyone who is willing to get on the path and stay on it-regardless of age, sex, or previous experience.” These were the words of George Leonard in a book he wrote called Mastery. Building on what Daniel Pink presented where attainment of Mastery takes 10,000 hours – Leonard reminds us that the journey is the key. So let’s talk about the journey and how organizations promote this journey.
Mastery = 10,000 hours! Part 2 of 3
10,000 hours translates into 5 years of doing something BEFORE you can be considered to have attained Mastery. So where did this number come from and what does it mean to people trying to attain it and leaders who are trying to grow and retain people that have this?
Leadership Lessons – through Art?
While I was touring ArtPrize in Grand Rapids, Michigan I happened upon a piece of art by James Freeman that provided a brief lesson in leadership and understanding myself. Learning is all around us, and if we take the time to recognize we are in a learning moment – good things tend to happen.