In EOS - One-on-ones . . . Yes or No? I have been getting this question lately, and so I want to answer it for all. First, my early clients will attest that I was a pro one-on-one and EOS® person. After implementing EOS® with 30+ clients I have learned a few things:...
leadership in EOS
EOS Integrators: Everyone should be in a great weekly meeting
Special topic for EOS IntegratorsIn recent meetings with a few clients—in one case doing a lunch and learn with some key managers around the L10 Meeting™—I have realized that a key learning has been missed. The concept of cascading L10 meetings has transformed...
For Visionaries: 2 Tips to Maximize Your Impact
You sit in the visionary seat because of your unique ability to see big trends, solve big problems, build/maintain important relationships, and generate ideas that will help your business get to the next level.
IDS Like a Rock Star
Problem solving as a leadership team is the one of the most important skills you can build because the organization needs you to do it so the issues that get identified during your EOS® journey get solved. It is also critical as you cascade your L10 meetings that you...
The Case for Doing a Reverse Accountability Chart
I am blessed to be part of a community where people help each other. Over the past couple of weeks, my fellow EOSi's (our name for other EOS® Implementers) have shared countless bits of wisdom that have helped me in the conversations I have been having with the...
EOS Partner Gift: Learn how FBA = Change Management
A critical leadership skill is change management. Bottom-line change is a simple proven process used at Zingerman’s to lead change effectively. EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System®) companies should have a copy of this book at their organization.
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