
Building a Strong Team – no ropes needed, just a BBQ

The success of a team rests on the shoulders of the team members, not the leader. The leader has a role, but the people have to see their role for it to work. Here is a story about a group of offensive lineman from the Michigan State University football team and what they did to build a great team. They did it without consultants and ropes courses, which is significant.

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I care… really! TrustBUSTER™ #8

TrustBUSTER™ #8 – Shows little concern about me a person How does this become an issue when most leaders really care about their people? Explore how this perception starts and what three moves a leader can make to make this go away (or at least move to the bottom of the list).

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Joy – 3 Steps to Create More as a Leader

TrustBUSTER #8 is about creating more joy in our workplace as leaders. A slow recovery means that the place from which we lead will not only sustain us, but provide energy for our organizations. There are also some very simple things that we can do as leaders to share and build that joy in others.

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TrustBUSTER™ #6 – Criticize decisions AFTER the team made them – How to handle the 3 most common situations

TrustBUSTER™ #6 is about criticizing decisions AFTER the team has discussed them and the decision has been made. This happens for different reasons, but the outcome is the same. Teammates getting frustrated with each other and future decisions becoming more ‘political’ discussions versus open and honest dialogue. Learn the three most common scenerios and what a leader has to do to ensure that it does not happen again.

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Great Post – Unhappy? Focus on the Present

This should not be a surprise, but here is some good research what makes people happy.  Their conclusion - being able to focus and complete things.  The next question - How focused are you feeling? Let the conversation begin . . . Unhappy? Focus on the Present.

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