Nice Matters: A short story

by Jun 13, 2013Insights, Leadership

A friend called me today to thank me for a referral.  It was nice.  Nice matters.

It matters because in a world where we are bombarded with to do items – 100+ emails, text, phone calls, deadlines – it is hard to just stop and say thank you.  Hard, but not impossible.

I owed this friend a few along the way.  She is the only person when I started my business to share her gross income and real highs and low.  She did not have to, but she knew I was stepping out on a ledge and should know some of the specifics of what that meant.  I still remember the conversation vividly because I was blown away by her honesty.  Nice matters.

I am reminded to slow down today and listen to a couple people that I have been too busy to respond to.  From 4 to 5 I blocked out time to empty all my flagged emails and give two verbal thank you messages.  If I believe that nice matters I better live it.

I am sure my friend did not know her simple phone call would stir things up like this.  It did.

Nice has a way of doing that.

Nice STILL matters.

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