Integrators – One Tip for Strengthening EOS® In Your Business

by Jun 22, 2020EOS, Insights, Integrators

Consider using EOS® Software

I recently got some feedback from a couple integrators that using an EOS specific software has helped them immensely in their EOS launch, and some challenged me on why I don’t encourage new clients to consider implementing it when they launch EOS®. I originally believed doing it without technology first would result in a stronger understanding of the EOS tools and the process.  

Stepping back and really thinking about it, I was wrong and they are right, because I see clients being more effective using EOS when they use the software.  Although there is a cost to it, I have seen enough to believe there is a strong ROI for it. So as you ramp the business back up, here are some benefits I see with clients who have a software solution in place:

  1. More organized – With simple things link a timer on every section, being able to generate To Do’s/Issues easily, and one place for all the core tools, there is never any wasted time searching for information.
  2. Do EOS better – IDS, finishing To Do’s, increased accountability on rocks, and communication between teams are all things I see. The EOS process is built into the software, so teams develop those habits faster.
  3. Virtual L10’s and quarterlies – My teams that have had to go virtual have given me lots of feedback that these tools have helped make that easy. The tools have recently added functionality that makes virtual quarterlies easier. As Emily and I have done our L10’s on the phone while accessing the software, I have definitely experienced this first hand.
  4. Cascading core tools is easier and more effective – Issues can be pushed down to other L10 meetings or they can push them up to your meeting. As the integrator, you will see this and can inspect all the other L10’s to get a pulse on how other teams are doing. If you value being able to listen to your organization, this might be your ROI justification all by itself. With employee safety being a big topic in the coming months, pushing issues up quickly and effectively is going to be very important.
  5. Your time – As the integrator, the highest and best use of your time is not organizing meetings and reporting (remember our discussion about $15-$20/hr work vs $100 – $1000/hr work?). This will save someone on your team at least 30 minutes a week and likely add more IDS time to your meetings based on what I have seen.

I am not compensated by either company for this, so which one you choose is up to you. I use mainly because Emily was already using it with another implementer she supports so it was easy. I am glad to connect you with another EOS company using either tool if you have questions.

Lead well . . . . ~ Scott

Take a look at either tool: or Traction Tools, and if you want to connect with the implementer at an organization running one of these tools just send me a note.

2021 EOS Conference – I had a chance to attend the most recent conference for EOS Companies (it was virtual) and I thought it was very well done and worth the time. The conference next year is in Houston and I encourage you to consider it. Here is the link, so check it out and at our upcoming quarterlies let me know if you have any questions.

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