Performance evaluations are a tool for leaders and followers. The outcome should be a great discussion with a plan for the coming year. Here is a template for how to do that in your organization.
Great Teams are Like Great Family Vacations
Ever thought of leading a family vacation as leading a team? There are lots of similarities and family vacations can be looked at as an opportunity for professional development. Read on . . .
Breathing Rate vs Talent Management: What is healthy?
Organizations are run much like our culture – at high speed. Might be fine for getting work done, but what is the impact on how we manage our greatest resource – our people? Look no farther than comparing the breathing rate in Africa vs the United States.
Can You Hire and Lead the Ignorant?
Is ignorant a bad word? Should we hire the ignorant? The answers are No and Maybe. It takes a special leader to hire the ignorant and sometimes hiring them is a bad idea. It can also be a powerful word for pushing us to grow.
Written a note lately?
Do you write thank you notes? It is a powerful way to build trust with others and to monitor how well you are recognizing great things that people are doing around you.
Leadership and Followership: A simple habit around Building Trust
Great leadership and great followership starts and ends with conversations that create understanding and actions. Here is one conversation around Building Trust that makes a difference.
The truth can hurt, and it can inspire
Followers need leaders that tell them the truth AND help them find the path out if they choose to work through a challenge. Here is a story about telling the truth, leadership, followership, and how it can make a big difference in a life.
Knowing Someone Changes How We Treat Them
Leaders need to know others and be known by others. Here is a tool to help start those conversations – it is great leadership and great followership.
How do you motivate others to do more? #followership
What to do with people that are not performing on a team? This is a question asked in my leadership / followership class and I committed to blog on the answer.
Breaking a team impasse #followership
A question from my Leadership / Followership class at the Holland Chamber of Commmerce. Question was around the facilitation of a group that was stuck in the decision making process.
Level 5 Followership – #TED style
What does great followership / great leadership look like? Here is a visual example thanks to TED.
Engagement – The One Question to Ask
The Birkman Method defines it and many leadership programs talk about it. Asking directly What do you Need is a cornerstone question to great leadership. In this question people are invited to the trUPerformance conversation.