What is leadership

Tracking My Happiness – Final Report

Talent management is about great conversations. I took a happiness survey and found that it could be a great development tool that has the potential for providing both. Here are some of my results, how they hit me, and how this could be a great leadership development tool for any size organization.

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Time – What does your graph look like?

Time management and talent management go hand in hand. How do you spend your time? How should you spend your time? Whether you are an entrepreneur or a seasoned leader immersed in an efficiency or growth challenge, this is worthwhile exercise for you and your team.

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Companies are Like People, Our Culture Defines the Relationship – Tips for doing it well

A big part of talent management is getting people to trust us so that the conversations we have are laced with truth and transperancy. Onboarding is the moment when we first meet our new employees, and the time when we have to realize that building that trust as leaders and peers is critical. An effective talent management program depends on the trust developed in onboarding. Here are some tips for doing it well.

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Three Ways to Make Recognition a Habit, 1 Thing to Avoid

Talent management is about getting people to feel good about what they are doing, focused on some clear outcomes, and getting things done that they can point at with pride. This is engagement. Recognition programs gone the wrong way end up with a powerpoint slideshow or a physcial ‘recognition toolkit’ that become symbols of checking the box, not engaging the heart.

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Introversion (TED video) and trUYou

Talent management is about having conversations. It is also about people bringing self awareness to the conversation and using that information to have a more effective conversation. This post uses a TED talk about introversion to explore what we (leaders and followers) need to do to make this a rich conversation. Great talent management is enabled by self awareness.

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What does my leader do . . .

Much is made about all the responsibilities a leader has, yet many of those go unseen by people that might benefit from knowing. People would probably be surprised by all the things a leader has to deal with, and if they knew they might be able to help. This post uses a letter sent my a worried family member to a the leader of an artillery battery to make the point and remind us some of the responbilities of a leader have not changed much.

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A great question to end your week (or your meeting)

What are you most proud of. Talent management and leadership is about understanding people and engaging them in the process and problems of running an organization. Of getting work done. Here is a question to renew energy and share what matters to them.

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Onboarding Equation . . and 4 Ways to Influence it

Talent management is a lot of things, but great conversations during transition is a big part of it. Chip Conley shares an equation in his book Emotional Equations that captures the essence of Selection AND Onboarding the right way. Whether it is an internal leadership transition or a new hire, use this formula to manage your talent to a successful start.

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A Hmmm # for leaders – What’s in your mail?

What is the impact of a personal note from a leader? Part of talent management is effectively connecting with your people and showing them that you care. Based on a recently published article, the mail is where you will have the least competition for their attention. People love letters!

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Time – How to have this discussion

Leadership and talent management is about helping organizations and people succeed. Time is almost always a barrier, and here is a classic tool from Stephen Covey that can help sort through things.

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What do you do?

The #1 question to ask in any talent management process, and probably the most difficult to answer. Great Leadership / Followership starts with a clear target, and this is it.

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