Scott Patchin

Silence and Resilience

Silence is not equal to doing nothing. Silence in resilience is about cleaning the lists off the mental whiteboard and only putting one or two things on it for a short time so they get attention. The Birkman Method is a great way to review how we need or should use silence.

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Get a Valentine’s Day Win

Here is a great gift for Valentine’s Day. It will help you focus on a very important relationship and have some laughs and A-HAs along the way. Likely some of this information will transfer back to work – but don’t make that a primary goal.

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Silence – Creating it

Creating silence is a challenge, but a necessity. Here are a few words putting some perspective on it and sharing a method for creating it.

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Resilience – The discussion starts(and continues) with transparency

Resilience is not about appearing to be super-human. It is about developing the skills/habits that allow us to recover quickly. Leaders need to have it, but also be willing to admit to others that they do get shaken. Transparency allows us to be human and helps others see that it is normal to be rattled by surprises.

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Is Failure The End?

How do we process failure? What opportunities or building blocks do we have with failure? It is worth exploring for anyone who has experienced it and needs to learn from it. (which is all of us!)

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