individual development

3 Questions to Test for Trust

3 Questions to Test for Trust

Do your people TRUST you as a leader? Here are three questions to test that by simply asking and listening. The hidden benefit of asking a great question and listening is that it actually builds trust.

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Leadership Wisdom 101: The Power of 2 or 3 or 10 (Part 3 of 3)

Leadership Wisdom 101: The Power of 2 or 3 or 10 (Part 3 of 3)

What is the impact of being a loner? What is the impact of feeling a part of a community? Data provides the answer, and the message is consistent and powerful for finding friends and building connections in our teams. Here is a sip of data, and 4 things every leader needs to do to drive towards the positive side of community, both personally and with the team they lead.

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Successful Does Not Equal Perfect

Successful Does Not Equal Perfect

What is your lens on success? Does it look like this? Success = Perfect (does not do x, y, and z). In the season where we celebrate success, I am reminded of how this fundamental formula opens very different doors for us. Here is a challenge to this view of success and one subtle thing we can do to open a different door.

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Not enough…money? Time? How to move to enough.

Not enough…money? Time? How to move to enough.

Not enough money. Not enough time. Not enough resources. Not enough budget. Do you live in the state of any of these? A wealth manager taught me something today that translates through a lot of situations leaders run into personally and with the teams they lead. Explore it and learn a couple of key questions that can help move past ‘not enough’ to ‘enough’.

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What is Leadership: 102 Answers – What’s yours?

What is Leadership: 102 Answers – What’s yours?

What is leadership? I believe it is one of the most critical questions leaders need to answer in their journey to be an effective leader. Here are 102 answers to work with, and thanks to author Lolly Daskal for pulling the first 100 together.

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Leaders – Are you avoiding the hard stuff?

Leaders – Are you avoiding the hard stuff?

My data shows that 100% of the time leaders skip this assignment. What is the assignment? Sit down with one of your people and use the Team Member Fact Sheet to share some information about each other. People-Centered Leaders know the importance of knowing their team members, and don’t let the barriers get in the way of doing it.

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The Trust Bank: 9 Habits That Make Deposits

The Trust Bank: 9 Habits That Make Deposits

The trust in your team is not defined by the big events, but by the thousands of events in between. People-centered leaders get that, and here are 9 habits that make deposits in the ‘trust bank’ so that big withdrawals can happen – and they will happen. For Entrepreneurial Operating System leaders, this is called transparency.

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2 Free Resources to Learn and Grow as a leader

2 Free Resources to Learn and Grow as a leader

Learning + Doing = Growth. In an effort to support committed people-centered leaders here are my two articles on creating and managing gaps as leaders. I also include links to other favorite reads, and all of these are great summer reads because they are easy reads.

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