Talent managment is not an initiative, it is about habits. My talent scorecard helps leaders ask themselve “Am I doing all of the important things that my people need”. Leadership development is about helping leaders become skilled at the What of leadership, and this scorecard helps them understand the Why as well as the what.
individual development
The Resilience Formula – for Leaders . . . for Followers
Resilience and leadership is a big topic. It is an important topic. Here is a formula that captures the essence of resilience.
Great Teams are Like Great Family Vacations
Ever thought of leading a family vacation as leading a team? There are lots of similarities and family vacations can be looked at as an opportunity for professional development. Read on . . .
Developing Resilience – 4 Ways to Process Pain
Developing resilience is partly about processing the pain or discomfort you are feeling. Here are four ways to do that.
Mastery – Does it matter? Part 1 of 3
Mastery – Daniel Pink talks about it in his book drive and it is a key word in any discussion about individual development and being a leader that develops human capital (aka: your living, breathing, feeling people!). Pink did not invent Mastery as a significant part of the discussion of leadership and the motivation / development of people, but he does a nice job of highlighting the significance.