Performance Management

Listen Well

I respect and listen to Seth Godin. I also believe that at the core of talent management is Honest Conversations, leading to Thoughtful Actions, that result in Improved Performance. A big part of that is listening well, and know that performance in the end is about actions. Here are some thoughts on Listening well.

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Training is up . . . is ROI?

Talent management is about great conversations. Training can help develop your people, but the question is What can I do to improve the ROI on my training? Here are two tips for making your training dollars have a greater impact on your relationships with your people and with the performance of your organization.

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People Habits before People Skills – Johari Window

It is great to have a goal of Fierce or Crucial Conversations – but while the skills are critical for leaders, the success of implementing this work rests largely on your ability to create the time to practice them and get better. The one-on-one is a critical place for this work, and here are some Johari Window videos that will help you look differently at this time. Talent management is about great conversations – and great conversations are honest, result in thoughtful actions, and ultimately lead to improved performance.

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Tough Conversations

Leadership is about having honest conversations. The skill of being able to handle difficult conversations (conflict, differing opinions, accountability) is one of the most critical skills for a leader. Fierce Conversations and Crucial Conversations are great books, and here is another offering – a video by Ash Beckham. Talent management is about great conversations, this will help you have more of them.

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Lots of Reasons, No Excuses

Talent management is about great conversations. One aspect of a great conversation is Lots of Reasons, and no excuses. This is a leadership tool that will transform how you listen and how you lead. When you do it well, accountability and safety follows.

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Leadership – The biggest choice you will have to make

What is leadership? Not what others tell you, but what do you believe LEADERSHIP IS? What are you doing to get there? Talent management is about great conversations, and a key conversation is the one you have with yourself that is started by this question. I believe that one on ones are critical habits for leaders, and it is based on what I believe leadership is. I would love to hear your input on this.

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Joy by Rich Sheridan chronicles the forming of a company and how a culture focused on Joy was created. Menlo Innovations is not perfect, but they are intentionally trying to do things differently. I loved this book, because I believe talent management is done through Great Conversations, and Rich gives us all a glimpse on how that has worked at Menlo. It is a good read, and any leader or entrepreneur should read it.

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. . . and When We Want Feedback – Step 1

We cannot get better without feedback. It is a critical piece, and in my experience people are not effective at giving or getting it. If you believe that relationships are critical in leadership and building effective teams, then you know that great relationships start with honest conversations that lead to thoughtful actions, and ultimately higher performance. It is the core of talent management and leadership development.

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What Seth Said – and more . .

The one I go back to daily is Seth Godin. I like Seth because his voice is edgy and challenging, and he writes about things that are important. Here is a piece of his recent post called The feedback you’ve been waiting for . . . Getting feedback is the foundation for development, and yet it is hard to get and hard to give. Here are some tips for Leaders on how to build moments where it is easier to hear it.

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3 Questions to Transform Your One on One

Talent management is about having thoughtful conversations that lead to meaningful actions and ultimately higher performance. The one on one is a key conversation. Here are three questions to ask and some other questions that will help you make that time more thoughtful and meaningful.

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Learning and 2014

Does learning = reading a book? I would say no, and here are two ways reading gets in the way of development and 2 ways to get development without reading a book – one for you and one for your team. Development and positive change happens when we have thoughtful conversations that lead to meaningful actions, and result in higher performance. That is an effective talent management strategy.

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Creating Space for Honest Conversations: Some Tips

Creating Space for Honest Conversations: Some Tips

Talent management is about great conversations. More specifically, honest conversations, resulting in thoughtful actions, and resulting in higher performance. Here are 5 questions that will help you create space for people to be honest. There still have to be actions that have to get done, but step one is getting it out on the table. Included are some links to templates that can help you have those conversations as leaders.

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