Leadership Transitions

A lens for your talent conversations: 30-30-40 Conversation™ Rule

Talent management is about great conversations. The lens I use to guide these conversations has come from years of watching people interact, being in some great conversations, and working with some friends on a product to help others have great conversations. Here is my 30-30-40 rule. Use it to refine your leadership, peer, and team conversations.

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7 Books That Make Great Gifts For A New Job

Transitions are exciting and scary at the same time. Within the transitions related to our work, there is a real opportunity for a great conversation. Here is a list of my recommendation of 7 books that make great gifts for a person starting their first job. Each of the potential to create a perspective for someone that will help them manage through the highs and lows of that first role. Some equip people with specific things they can do, while others equip them with a perspective they need to keep. Both are equally important. Talent management is about great conversations. These gifts have the opportunity to start one.

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Helping Talent Emerge

Talent management is about helping people be aware of who they are and apply it in such a way that it makes a huge impact. I lead a program called Shifting Gears that does that for people that have been off for over 3 months, and the lessons that I have learned can be applied to individuals and leaders trying to make the most of the talents they possess.

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4 Keys To Successful Transitions

4 Keys To Successful Transitions

Talent management is about great conversations. Preparing for and managing through transitions is something we can prepare for, and there are conversations we own as inner work and through the work we do with our community. Here are 4 keys to preparing for and navigating transitions.

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Forget your brand. What is your art?

Talent management is about great conversations. For an individual to participate in these conversations, it is critical for them to bring a self awareness of what gifts and talents they have. Creating this self awareness as part of helping people find their place is critical. One key is how we talk about it, and Seth Godin uses the term Artist vs the traditional approach of talking about Brand.

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Employee Survey 101

Talent management is about great conversations. Doing an employee survey correctly requires the courage to step back and answer some fundamental questions about why you want to do it and what commitment you are willing to make as a leadership team. Here are some tips for having a conversation in the beginning that will build a foundation for success.

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Leadership Journey – Strengths to overused Strengths

Talent management is about having great conversations. For leadership development, those great conversations are critical to have when transitions happen. Not sure if you believe this? Then read this post. Believe it? Then read this post where I give you some resources to become better at handling these situations so they don’t happen again.

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Listen: If you hear any of these 3 things you/we have a problem

Talent management is about great conversations. If you hear any of these statements coming from your own mouth or someone else’s, then there is a problem. Listen for these, figure out where it is coming from, and fix it. It is natural to have these barriers as leaders seek to have greater conversations with their people, but if we get stuck on one of these then things will get messy.

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Make Good Decisions Dad

Leadership development can happen anywhere. Talent management is about having great conversations and doing something positive with what you hear and learn. This lesson in leadership was from the mouth of a nine year old, and I am glad I listened.

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Performance plan = Coaching? 2 Arguments for NO

Coaching is a term used by leaders and organizations in many performance conversations. Using it as a label for helping individuals through a performance plan is the wrong move. Talent management is about having great conversations, and connecting coaching with ‘I am in trouble’ will forever taint your process. Here are two reasons why . . . .

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Rule 2 – Individual (not leader) owns the agenda

A key conversation and habit for any leader is the one on one. Here is the second rule for leaders doing one one ones – letting the owner be the individual, not the leader. Talent management is about great conversations, and this one will be more effective if the ownership is not with the leader.

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