Keynote topic

New word for your leadership toolbox – Capacity

Talent management is about great conversations. One topic that should be part of every conversation is our capacity and how it is being stretched, grown, shared in the work that we do. Leadership development is about helping leaders do it for themselves and using that experience to become capacity planners for their team. What is leadership? One answer is being a capacity developer of talent.

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3 Books That Make Great Graduation Gifts

College graduation is coming. There is lots of talent coming into the workforce, and here are three books I believe make great gifts for new graduates. Talent management is about having great conversations. These gifts have the potential to start those conversations.

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How do I know you are a high potential? My 5 Qualifiers

A key part of talent management is identifying, developing, and retaining your high potentials. Here are five things I look for in the identification of high potentials. The students that inspired this post were just highlighted at the The Michigan Economic Summit that was put on by Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan. It was a great event.

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4 Keys To Successful Transitions

4 Keys To Successful Transitions

Talent management is about great conversations. Preparing for and managing through transitions is something we can prepare for, and there are conversations we own as inner work and through the work we do with our community. Here are 4 keys to preparing for and navigating transitions.

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Empathy – How I experienced it with a dog and 3 ways to build it with humans

Empathy is critical if you are a leader that wants to build their relational capacity with peers and teams. It has to matter for you, and here are three ways to begin to build it. My reminder was reading a great book called The Art of Racing in the Rain. I will never look at Harper the same, and it is a daily reminder that I have to listen differently. Talent management / great relationships are about great conversations.

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Words and Presence

Talent management is about great conversations. When we ask great questions the answers can tell us a lot, if we listen. Leadership development is often about empathy and building relationships. Here is a tip on how to do it better – compliments of a retired kindergarten teacher. My Mom.

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3 Tips For Making Any Personal Journey A Success

Talent management is about great conversations. Getting to those conversations takes some habits/steps to help keep us focused over time. Here is something I learned yesterday as I went to support a friend who was sharing is expertise. I also learned a lot, which was my secondary goal.

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Knowing our roles:  One Thing A Leader Does

Knowing our roles: One Thing A Leader Does

Living into the roles in our lives often requires us to take a second look at our priorities. Being a great Dad, Mom, Friend, or Leader means naming the priorities and making time for them. Talent management is about great conversations. Living into the roles in our lives means having some of these conversations.

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Forget your brand. What is your art?

Talent management is about great conversations. For an individual to participate in these conversations, it is critical for them to bring a self awareness of what gifts and talents they have. Creating this self awareness as part of helping people find their place is critical. One key is how we talk about it, and Seth Godin uses the term Artist vs the traditional approach of talking about Brand.

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Employee Survey 101

Talent management is about great conversations. Doing an employee survey correctly requires the courage to step back and answer some fundamental questions about why you want to do it and what commitment you are willing to make as a leadership team. Here are some tips for having a conversation in the beginning that will build a foundation for success.

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Leadership Journey – Strengths to overused Strengths

Talent management is about having great conversations. For leadership development, those great conversations are critical to have when transitions happen. Not sure if you believe this? Then read this post. Believe it? Then read this post where I give you some resources to become better at handling these situations so they don’t happen again.

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