Strategic Time: Are you at 10%?

Strategic Time: Are you at 10%?

Be honest – how many times a month do you sit in meetings with your peers and leave feeling energized, focused, and supported? Strategic time for leaders is critical, and yet the exception rather than the rule in my experience leading and coaching leaders.

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The Most Valuable Hour in Your Week

The Most Valuable Hour in Your Week

The ‘To-Do’ list on Monday often starts with what was left on Friday. Then the messages start coming in from the people that depend on us for things — boss, peers, customers, kids, spouse, aging parents, our team, and friends. Then we respond like we have on every other Monday — we get to work. Here is a solution that will cost you an hour and give you a return many times your investment.

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3 Reasons Culture Matters

3 Reasons Culture Matters

Does culture matter at your company? If it does, where do you start in order to make it stronger? Here is some help answering both of those questions – prepare to be challenged to add the title of Chief Culture Officer to your job description.

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Great Conversations from Great Questions

Great Conversations from Great Questions

What the Heck is EOS? provides a great tool to help team members understand EOS and ask great questions of their leaders to increase their own clarity and focus. In addition to revisiting this post, I share three other posts targeted at giving you powerful questions to use as you lead.

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Does Your People Process Include a Stay Interview?

Does Your People Process Include a Stay Interview?

Key people tip – spend your energy talking to your best people before they decide to leave. Sounds like common sense, but it is not common practice. Here are some real tips from an expert, and some additional info to help EOS companies leverage it to work toward 80% in the people component.

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Teambuilding 101 – Enter the Danger (and I don’t mean find a ropes course)

Teambuilding 101 – Enter the Danger (and I don’t mean find a ropes course)

Have you ever seen a group of leaders start becoming a team? The irony is that it does not take a ropes course or a walk in the mountains to find the danger that binds leaders together. EOS® creates opportunities for groups to become teams every time we get together. This story is based on several dozen EOS moments that I have experienced with teams on the journey to achieve what I have learned to call vision, traction, and healthy.

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Stress – is it bad?

Stress – is it bad?

Stress can kill you, or it can make you healthier. Did you know it is your choice which one happens? Here is a TED talk that gives a great perspective based on research. People-centered leaders and EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) leaders need to read this.

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Key Leadership Skill: Sharpening the Saw or Clarity Breaks – 2 Tips to help you get started

Key Leadership Skill: Sharpening the Saw or Clarity Breaks – 2 Tips to help you get started

I don’t have enough time! This is not new for leaders. Some evidence of this can be found in Stephen Covey’s classic book, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’. Published in 1989, he pushed for people to set aside time to ‘sharpen the saw’. In EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System), we call them clarity breaks. Here are two tips I have found helpful in my own personal journey of making this a habit.

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My Top 5 Leadership TED Talks

My Top 5 Leadership TED Talks

Learning + Doing = Growth. TED Talks have become an amazing resource for learning and the good ones not only challenge, but inspire us to do something. Here are my five favorite TED Talks that I share with leaders every chance I get.

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The Importance of Clarity + 2 Tips for your Organization

The Importance of Clarity + 2 Tips for your Organization

A trip to Italy reminded me of the importance of speaking the same language…and the barrier is not always cultural. In organizations, we use different words for things which results in conflict between departments and a lack of alignment between leadership plans and the priorities people are working to each day. Here are two tips to address that in your organizational strategies.

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The Trust Bank: 9 Habits That Make Deposits

The Trust Bank: 9 Habits That Make Deposits

The trust in your team is not defined by the big events, but by the thousands of events in between. People-centered leaders get that, and here are 9 habits that make deposits in the ‘trust bank’ so that big withdrawals can happen – and they will happen. For Entrepreneurial Operating System leaders, this is called transparency.

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What The Heck is EOS? ~ A book review and 1 tip on how to use it

What The Heck is EOS? ~ A book review and 1 tip on how to use it

A book review: Have you heard about the new EOS book just released? It’s called What The Heck Is EOS? A Complete Guide for Employees in Companies Running on EOS by Gino Wickman and Tom Bouwer. I see EOS as a great method for creating a leadership development program within your business, providing the opportunity to develop as a leader while you work. Here’s a brief book report to help you decide if this might be a beneficial read.

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