Scott Patchin

3 Difficult Conversations that People-Centered Leaders Have Regularly

3 Difficult Conversations that People-Centered Leaders Have Regularly

When we ask questions of people and provide space for them to tell us about themselves and share their thoughts, it has the same neurological effect as feeding them or giving them money. People-centered leaders understand that, and practice it. Here are three difficult conversations committed people-centered leaders work to master.

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Why learning TOGETHER is best – the data!

Why learning TOGETHER is best – the data!

Would you invest millions in equipment and NOT send technicians/engineers to training to learn how to setup and optimize it? No – – and yet we spend billions each year on leadership training and do just that. Here is data on why that is a bad idea and how to get better ROI for leadership training.

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Empathy 2.0: The power of leaders becoming students

Empathy 2.0: The power of leaders becoming students

I just ended a vacation where our four children were around a lot. One of my goals was to listen, and I also found myself reading one book they all recommended (Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff) and starting a second book...

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A Friday thought for parents/leaders – Thank you Bob Goff

A Friday thought for parents/leaders – Thank you Bob Goff

I shared in my last blog about Bob Goff's guarantee of answering his phone when called. I called and here is what it said "You have reached Bob Goff. I am sorry but I am in a place where I don't have cell service. Please email me at and I will get back...

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What’s your guarantee?

What’s your guarantee?

What are you willing to guarantee to your customers? In my experience working with clients guarantees are scary and hard to define. Here are some examples and reasons I believe they are critical in our journey to excellence.

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One practice for a Happy-er Holiday

One practice for a Happy-er Holiday

There will be lots of gathering going around over the next few weeks. Here is a bit of advice to make that time more fruitful. It also follows my core value of Learning + Doing = Growth – and comes with a story of how I can be a bit slow on the learning part sometimes . . .

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Journey to Mastery – What’s in a name? #wordsmatter

In coaching leaders to become more people-centered, it quickly became evident that preparing their team for the career/development conversation was critical because too many people were not ready to share what they wanted. Here is my proven process for conversation and some perspective for leaders and/or individuals desiring to own their development.

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28 Tips for Developing as a People-Centered Leader

So, you want to develop as a leader? And you believe your people are important to you - critical, in fact, as a fundamental part of leading toward growth. If you're ready to own your development, I'd like to share with you some of my top trUTips. How to have effective...

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3 Reasons Career Discussions Don’t Happen; 2.5 Steps to Start

3 Reasons Career Discussions Don’t Happen; 2.5 Steps to Start

Do you have a plan for your best people on where they will be in a year? Two years? What is keeping you from asking your people about the future? Here are the 3 reasons leaders don’t ask and 2.5 steps to start this conversation. Included are links to all the resources you need to equip your people to Own It! (including a free whitepaper and links to my 4 favorite posts on this topic).

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Will you be my mentor? 4 Steps to make this effective.

Will you be my mentor? 4 Steps to make this effective.

Leaders committed to growing their company or being successful in their next big role need to have mentors. This includes anyone using the Entrepreneurial Operating System or experiencing a promotion to an executive-level role in an organization. Here are 4 steps for establishing an effective mentoring experience. As a bonus, I also provide a link to a single page document that provides all the details you need to be successful and building a great mentoring experience.

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