Cairns &
EOS® Mastery

When one of my clients masters the EOS® process and the tools that their leadership team implemented as part of their journey, I gift them with a customized cairn to honor that journey.

Why a cairn?

Cairns are human-made stacks of stone. The use of cairns is a centuries-old practice to mark trails. The significance of using a cairn to recognize your journey to EOS® is threefold:

It was created by you.

Your journey with EOS® is a choice you made. It exists because you decided to make it, and you stayed committed to mastery.

It's a reminder of the journey.

How you got to this point, with all the highs and lows of a hike through the mountains, is your story. The cairn is a reminder of that journey, so when people ask about it, tell your story. May it also be a reminder to continue to create your story. Nobody constructs a cairn stone marker just to stand and look at it all day!

If you get lost, it will remind you where to find the trail again.

Journeys are never straight lines. The question isn’t if you’ll get lost, but when you’ll get lost. May this simple cairn marker ber a reminder of how to find the trail again when you get lost.

Moreover, the cairn is made of rocks, and a critical part of the EOS® journey is to take it a few rocks at a time.

Recent EOS Graduates

Class of 2023

Class of 2022

Class of 2021

Class of 2020

Class of 2019

Class of 2018

So what comes next?

While your mastery is complete, your journey with EOS® continues!
Check out my latest insights for continued learning:

Tools for Better Quarterly Conversations

Even if you talk with your team members and have regular check-ins, the quarterly conversations are still a critical part of EOS. They offer a unique opportunity to truly listen to what each individual team member has to...

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