Trust is critical in a healthy relationship. For leaders, a way to establish it is to put great value on the one on one time and never cancel without rescheduling right away. This is the final rules for one on ones that must NEVER be broken. Talent management is about great conversations. Follow these three rules and you are on your way to having them.
talent scorecard
5 Key Outcomes – Individual Development Plan Conversation
Talent management is about great conversations between a leader and a follower over time. I use the talent scorecard to help leaders assess their own habits and get some feedback on where they need to start. The lack of development plans are one item that has emerged as a major gap in the habits of leaders. To understand the benefits of investing time into this effort, here are 5 key outcomes that happen when we make development plans a habit.
What Staking A Web Claim Says About You
We say we are lots of things, and talent management is about knowing and utilzing those things. But can we really say we are creative and progressive if we do not own a web domain? I think it is a good measure.
3 Things To Give Development Plans Momentum
So how do you set measures for a development plan that will be meaningful and result in positive momentum for the talent management in your organization? Here are three thoughts that will help leaders create meaningful measures for development goals. The talent scorecard is also a great place for leaders to assess their own habits.
What does my leader do . . .
Much is made about all the responsibilities a leader has, yet many of those go unseen by people that might benefit from knowing. People would probably be surprised by all the things a leader has to deal with, and if they knew they might be able to help. This post uses a letter sent my a worried family member to a the leader of an artillery battery to make the point and remind us some of the responbilities of a leader have not changed much.
Time – How to have this discussion
Leadership and talent management is about helping organizations and people succeed. Time is almost always a barrier, and here is a classic tool from Stephen Covey that can help sort through things.
They asked: Hi Po selection, Hiring the right people, Succession Planning
Talent management related question from a group of SHRM leaders / Human resource professionals. Focused on hi-pot development, succession planning, and selecting the right people. Some great talent management questions and, from my experience doing keynote, probably the three topics most asked about. This is post 2 of 2.
trU Tips #16a – One on Ones and Leadership
Talent management is not a form, or a process, but a commitment to a place where everything (or most everything) works. The job is great, people are getting what they need, people are owning their role, and teams are helping each other be successful. It takes great leadership, great followership, and most importantly it takes frequent and very open conversations. The one on one is the critical piece of this, and here is a form to help a one on one work well. The result is great talent management.
A tool to help leaders listen
What does effective leadership look like when you meet one on one with your people? What does good followership look like, and how do you ask the right questions of your leader and share with them what you need so they can lead? Talent management is about great conversations, and here is a template to make that happen.
What the mirror says . . .
Leadership and team development involves looking in the mirror on occassion. The Birkman Method is a great tool for creating self Awareness for the team and for the leaders. The Birkman Method helps see the natural style, the stress style, and the needs that have to be met in order to help the natural style of the leader be present more often.
WI SHRM: What to do with a talent anchor?
The question from a Wisconsin SHRM attendee about keeping a person who is bringing income into the company, but is doing things that keep the CEO up at night and cost the company money in other areas. The talent scorecard is in place to drive truthful conversations around people like this.
Wisconsin SHRM 2011: My presentations
What is the #1 issue in talent management? There are actually 2: Performance evaluations have to be given on-time AND people need development plans. Here is a talent management presentation around the talent scorecard that I gave at the Wisconsin SHRM 2011 conference as a speaker. It is ideal for a keynote address to leaders looking for a perspective on leveraging their talent and an action plan to do it.