Scott Patchin

Developing People = Crockpot Cooking, not a microwave

Helping people define a future place/role they aspire to is challenging because the outcome takes time. Tyranny of the urgent makes these conversations hare, even though the questions to answer are simple. It takes great leadership and great followership to make these conversations and the outcomes happen.

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Don’t Be Mean – Part One

What is the cost of a figure it out development plan for new leaders? There is research that suggests a 40% failure rate in leadership transitions and the costs are high and understood. But there is also a real cost to the individual. I would also argue that with all this knowledge, it MEAN. Here is the first part of my argument.

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Resilience – What we can learn from the military

Resiliency is a relevant topic for this business environment. It is even more relevant for our soldiers. Here is a quick summary of what the HBR article it was from says and how we might use the information today. Notice the awareness of self piece. It is always there . . . .

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Leadership and . . . Valentine’s Day?

At the core of Valentine’s Day there is something that matters to the relationships around us. In fact, there are some truths we should be sharing that probably would make a difference in any of the relationships we have at work or at home. Here are some examples.

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