Ever thought of leading a family vacation as leading a team? There are lots of similarities and family vacations can be looked at as an opportunity for professional development. Read on . . .
Scott Patchin
Can You Hire and Lead the Ignorant?
Is ignorant a bad word? Should we hire the ignorant? The answers are No and Maybe. It takes a special leader to hire the ignorant and sometimes hiring them is a bad idea. It can also be a powerful word for pushing us to grow.
Written a note lately?
Do you write thank you notes? It is a powerful way to build trust with others and to monitor how well you are recognizing great things that people are doing around you.
Leadership and Followership: A simple habit around Building Trust
Great leadership and great followership starts and ends with conversations that create understanding and actions. Here is one conversation around Building Trust that makes a difference.
The truth can hurt, and it can inspire
Followers need leaders that tell them the truth AND help them find the path out if they choose to work through a challenge. Here is a story about telling the truth, leadership, followership, and how it can make a big difference in a life.
Knowing Someone Changes How We Treat Them
Leaders need to know others and be known by others. Here is a tool to help start those conversations – it is great leadership and great followership.
How do you motivate others to do more? #followership
What to do with people that are not performing on a team? This is a question asked in my leadership / followership class and I committed to blog on the answer.
Breaking a team impasse #followership
A question from my Leadership / Followership class at the Holland Chamber of Commmerce. Question was around the facilitation of a group that was stuck in the decision making process.
4 Habits to Build, 1 Initiative to Avoid (#Retention)
Refocusing on Employee Engagement is an important topic right now as the economy turns, but stop and think of what too many organizations/leaders stopped doing that got us here. Here are four habits that will make at least part of this initiative go away.
Level 5 Followership – #TED style
What does great followership / great leadership look like? Here is a visual example thanks to TED.
Engagement – The One Question to Ask
The Birkman Method defines it and many leadership programs talk about it. Asking directly What do you Need is a cornerstone question to great leadership. In this question people are invited to the trUPerformance conversation.
Leadership Assistance Program
Leadership is challenging. One challenge is creating a safe place for conversations and still have boundaries when problems come to you that are beyond what you can help solve. The formal name is Employee Assistance Program, but another good name is Leadership Assistance Program.