Does culture matter at your company? If it does, where do you start in order to make it stronger? Here is some help answering both of those questions – prepare to be challenged to add the title of Chief Culture Officer to your job description.
2 Quotes All Leaders Should Have On Their Desk
Leaders need to have guides in place to help them return to their path. Quotes can do that, and here are two that are guides for me.
Help is Not a 4 Letter Word
How well do you manage change? More directly, how skilled are you at seeking the help of your peers, leaders, and key people when leading a team through a difficult change? Too often leaders treat Help like a four letter word, never to be uttered lest we be punished! Here is a lens to assist leaders in seeing their role in supporting in and dumping out, so that help becomes part of the process of change and healing.
Leadership Wisdom 101: The Power of 2 or 3 or 10 (Part 3 of 3)
What is the impact of being a loner? What is the impact of feeling a part of a community? Data provides the answer, and the message is consistent and powerful for finding friends and building connections in our teams. Here is a sip of data, and 4 things every leader needs to do to drive towards the positive side of community, both personally and with the team they lead.
Leadership Wisdom 101: Seeing the bigger picture in leading (Part 1 of 3)
We lead in all aspects of our life, and where we get into trouble is when we stop doing it. We also make things harder for ourselves when wisdom and skills gained to help us be successful in one of our leadership roles does not get applied in other areas. Hint – being an effective active listener as a manager can also help you as a mother, father, friend, or neighbor. Here is part 1 of a 3-part series on doing this effectively.
What will people remember about your leadership?
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” (Maya Angelou) What does this mean for leaders?
My Top 5 Leadership TED Talks
Learning + Doing = Growth. TED Talks have become an amazing resource for learning and the good ones not only challenge, but inspire us to do something. Here are my five favorite TED Talks that I share with leaders every chance I get.
The Book of Joy: The 20 thoughts that stayed with me
Wisdom comes in many forms. I look for opportunities to be in the room with people that are telling their story so I can listen to their words and feel their presence. The Book of Joy transported me into a room with two leaders worth listening to as they celebrated their friendship and reflected on topics I believe are critical to people at this point in our history. Not just for leaders, but for anyone who is looking to lead in their own life, regardless of their title or place.
5 Powerful Questions for New Leaders & 1 Habit to Maintain Traction: Guest Post by David C. Baker
What are 5 powerful questions every new leader should get answers to? What is the one habit that new leaders should continue to practice as they work toward their goals and the goals of the organization during that first year? David C. Baker has worked extensively with leaders on building successful businesses. This post is about helping new leaders get traction in their new role and maintain it as they build their own legacy as a leader.
Guest Post: Blue Collar Scholar, Jim Bohn – What is our Organizational Level Engagement?
What is more important than employee engagement? The Blue Collar Scholar, Jim Bohn, believes it is organizational level engagement. Here are the questions leaders should be asking themselves and others to assess it, build it, and lead it. Great conversations start with a question, and learn from Jim how you can start this conversation in your organization.
They’ll Love Your Questions – by my friend/mentor Mary Jo Asmus
A key leadership skill is asking questions to help people effectively solve the problems they face. Good things happen when leaders ask questions, listen, and support effectively. Learn a proven process for coaching people through problem solving from Mary Jo Asmus, a professionally certified coach and award winning blogger. These are powerful questions that people-centered leaders should have in their toolbox.
Why do your 3-year old and 18-year old drive you crazy? A graph to make you laugh and think . . .
Why do 3-year olds and 18-year olds test our patience as parents? How does that apply to leadership? Here is a graph and some initial thoughts to get you thinking.