Personal development

Social Media, Relationships, and Leadership

The basics of creating relationships at home and at work are the same. There are some universal truths, and how will social media alter those? Only time will tell, but here is a TED video that helps us reflect on some of these realities now. It is a great discussion for leadership development and talent management in your organization.

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Do You Know How to Start and End a Conversation?

Jodi Glickman’s book Great on The Job is focused on new or soon to be new graduates and what they can do to ensure their career starts with some positive first steps. Talent management is about great conversations, and this book is full of tips for individuals to make great conversations happen that will help move them towards professional success. This is the first in a series of posts that will end in a full review of the book and an interview with the author – Jodi Glickman.

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Leadership Rounding – A great example of how leading leaders is different

Talent management is about great conversations. Rounding is one of those conversations that has been used in the healthcare setting. Here is a video from the Studer Group on rounding that does a great job on explaining how leaders and followers can make the most of their time together. Check it out – and find a way to let your leadership teams use it.

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Time – What does your graph look like?

Time management and talent management go hand in hand. How do you spend your time? How should you spend your time? Whether you are an entrepreneur or a seasoned leader immersed in an efficiency or growth challenge, this is worthwhile exercise for you and your team.

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Friday Fun – The cumulative effect of Happy moments . . .

Happiness research tells us it is not the big things, but the cumulative effect of little moments that matters. If we impact each other in positive ways, then lots of good things happen in our teams and our business. Fridays are not the only day to smile, but a good day to try some purposeful things to impact the lives of others. This is talent management, and it is fun.

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Introversion (TED video) and trUYou

Talent management is about having conversations. It is also about people bringing self awareness to the conversation and using that information to have a more effective conversation. This post uses a TED talk about introversion to explore what we (leaders and followers) need to do to make this a rich conversation. Great talent management is enabled by self awareness.

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Choices. (career and talent management)

Career development planning is about choices. It is about thinking about what we want to be doing in the future, and preparing ourselves to meet a goal for prepare ourselves for a different path. At the heart of talent management is preparing the individual to bring an awareness of self to this conversation and helping the leader listen, guide, direct, challenge, and ultimately partner. Talent management is about great conversations, and at the heart of those conversations is ultimately a choice.

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Onboarding Equation . . and 4 Ways to Influence it

Talent management is a lot of things, but great conversations during transition is a big part of it. Chip Conley shares an equation in his book Emotional Equations that captures the essence of Selection AND Onboarding the right way. Whether it is an internal leadership transition or a new hire, use this formula to manage your talent to a successful start.

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What do you do?

The #1 question to ask in any talent management process, and probably the most difficult to answer. Great Leadership / Followership starts with a clear target, and this is it.

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trU Tips 17+ – Three comments that drove me to write it

Talent management and leadership is about lots of things, but at the core it is about an understanding of ourselves, a willingness to share our perspective(and listen to the perspective of others), and a commitment to the time it will take to get a solution. The habits are core to the talent calendar.

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Leadership: The Power (And Trap) Of Non-Verbals

Leaders need to understand non-verbals, and they need to be comfortable and competent in using that information to have a richer conversation. The Birkman method is one reminder/tool I use to help leaders see that what is happening on the outside is not necessarily what is happening on the inside.

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