Performance Management

The #1 Skill Your People Need

Companies implementing EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) understand the importance of defining and executing Rocks. In my experience coaching and training leaders, I have seen importance of mastering this skill for all leaders and – more importantly – their teams. Here are some key tips for mastering the skills of defining and executing rocks.

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Leaders – Are you avoiding the hard stuff?

Leaders – Are you avoiding the hard stuff?

My data shows that 100% of the time leaders skip this assignment. What is the assignment? Sit down with one of your people and use the Team Member Fact Sheet to share some information about each other. People-Centered Leaders know the importance of knowing their team members, and don’t let the barriers get in the way of doing it.

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The Book of Joy: The 20 thoughts that stayed with me

The Book of Joy: The 20 thoughts that stayed with me

Wisdom comes in many forms. I look for opportunities to be in the room with people that are telling their story so I can listen to their words and feel their presence. The Book of Joy transported me into a room with two leaders worth listening to as they celebrated their friendship and reflected on topics I believe are critical to people at this point in our history. Not just for leaders, but for anyone who is looking to lead in their own life, regardless of their title or place.

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Present and Listen: 2 Things Leaders Taught Me

Present and Listen: 2 Things Leaders Taught Me

Listening is a powerful tool to learn what matters to people and to test biases that exist within and around us. Here are two lessons listening taught me last week as I spent time with leaders after my keynote around strategic planning and the Entrepreneurial Operating System. Included are two powerful questions to ask yourself, challenging leaders to become and stay more people-centered.

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The Trust Bank: 9 Habits That Make Deposits

The Trust Bank: 9 Habits That Make Deposits

The trust in your team is not defined by the big events, but by the thousands of events in between. People-centered leaders get that, and here are 9 habits that make deposits in the ‘trust bank’ so that big withdrawals can happen – and they will happen. For Entrepreneurial Operating System leaders, this is called transparency.

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5 Powerful Questions for New Leaders & 1 Habit to Maintain Traction: Guest Post by David C. Baker

5 Powerful Questions for New Leaders & 1 Habit to Maintain Traction: Guest Post by David C. Baker

What are 5 powerful questions every new leader should get answers to? What is the one habit that new leaders should continue to practice as they work toward their goals and the goals of the organization during that first year? David C. Baker has worked extensively with leaders on building successful businesses. This post is about helping new leaders get traction in their new role and maintain it as they build their own legacy as a leader.

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What The Heck is EOS? ~ A book review and 1 tip on how to use it

What The Heck is EOS? ~ A book review and 1 tip on how to use it

A book review: Have you heard about the new EOS book just released? It’s called What The Heck Is EOS? A Complete Guide for Employees in Companies Running on EOS by Gino Wickman and Tom Bouwer. I see EOS as a great method for creating a leadership development program within your business, providing the opportunity to develop as a leader while you work. Here’s a brief book report to help you decide if this might be a beneficial read.

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Two questions to assess mindset; One question to invite a shift

Two questions to assess mindset; One question to invite a shift

Having a tough time with traction? A key leadership skill is assessing the mindset of your team. Here are some key questions based on the research by Carol Dweck and her book Mindset. It is not about being a good or bad person, it is about being effective at helping the team and company grow.

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Communication: One reality and three healthy habits

Communication: One reality and three healthy habits

Communication is a critical leadership skill. Here is one reality to frame the conversation and three habits that will become skills if leaders commit to them. People-centered leaders make communication a priority and focus on it daily. Listen . . . Lead. Repeat often!

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A positive attitude is infectious. Do you TGIM? Why not start the experiment today and continue it for the rest of the summer. Here is what it meant to one leader. This is a leadership lesson for everyone.

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