Leadership Development

The Importance of Clarity + 2 Tips for your Organization

The Importance of Clarity + 2 Tips for your Organization

A trip to Italy reminded me of the importance of speaking the same language…and the barrier is not always cultural. In organizations, we use different words for things which results in conflict between departments and a lack of alignment between leadership plans and the priorities people are working to each day. Here are two tips to address that in your organizational strategies.

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The Trust Bank: 9 Habits That Make Deposits

The Trust Bank: 9 Habits That Make Deposits

The trust in your team is not defined by the big events, but by the thousands of events in between. People-centered leaders get that, and here are 9 habits that make deposits in the ‘trust bank’ so that big withdrawals can happen – and they will happen. For Entrepreneurial Operating System leaders, this is called transparency.

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5 Powerful Questions for New Leaders & 1 Habit to Maintain Traction: Guest Post by David C. Baker

5 Powerful Questions for New Leaders & 1 Habit to Maintain Traction: Guest Post by David C. Baker

What are 5 powerful questions every new leader should get answers to? What is the one habit that new leaders should continue to practice as they work toward their goals and the goals of the organization during that first year? David C. Baker has worked extensively with leaders on building successful businesses. This post is about helping new leaders get traction in their new role and maintain it as they build their own legacy as a leader.

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What The Heck is EOS? ~ A book review and 1 tip on how to use it

What The Heck is EOS? ~ A book review and 1 tip on how to use it

A book review: Have you heard about the new EOS book just released? It’s called What The Heck Is EOS? A Complete Guide for Employees in Companies Running on EOS by Gino Wickman and Tom Bouwer. I see EOS as a great method for creating a leadership development program within your business, providing the opportunity to develop as a leader while you work. Here’s a brief book report to help you decide if this might be a beneficial read.

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They’ll Love Your Questions – by my friend/mentor Mary Jo Asmus

They’ll Love Your Questions – by my friend/mentor Mary Jo Asmus

A key leadership skill is asking questions to help people effectively solve the problems they face. Good things happen when leaders ask questions, listen, and support effectively. Learn a proven process for coaching people through problem solving from Mary Jo Asmus, a professionally certified coach and award winning blogger. These are powerful questions that people-centered leaders should have in their toolbox.

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Let’s call it Trust Building, not Team Building

Let’s call it Trust Building, not Team Building

When I say team building, how many of you roll your eyes or audibly grown? It is a common response. Here is a story of how a challenge from a leader led me to an answer that will make team building go away and trust building take over for your team as a critical team health activity.

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Two questions to assess mindset; One question to invite a shift

Two questions to assess mindset; One question to invite a shift

Having a tough time with traction? A key leadership skill is assessing the mindset of your team. Here are some key questions based on the research by Carol Dweck and her book Mindset. It is not about being a good or bad person, it is about being effective at helping the team and company grow.

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Communication: One reality and three healthy habits

Communication: One reality and three healthy habits

Communication is a critical leadership skill. Here is one reality to frame the conversation and three habits that will become skills if leaders commit to them. People-centered leaders make communication a priority and focus on it daily. Listen . . . Lead. Repeat often!

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