You sit in the visionary seat because of your unique ability to see big trends, solve big problems, build/maintain important relationships, and generate ideas that will help your business get to the next level.
eos facilitator
EOS® for Operations: The Importance of Meeting Rhythms
In most organizations, your role has the most direct reports, the most key measures on the Scorecard, and – along with the sales team – the most pressure on it when the organization is not meeting financial targets. As a result, mastering the EOS tools and...
EOS® for Integrators: The 6 Key Areas You Need to Master
The one position that I see the most incredible growth in is the Integrator. It is also the one role that I am sometimes too easy on as an implementer, which I have been working on correcting for the last year.The two themes you will hear a lot from me are 80%...
EOS® for Everyone: Retention Strategy – Cascading EOS Rhythms
Lots of companies are talking about retention strategies for their people. As an EOS company, here is a case for why doing EOS really well and cascading it is the best strategy for keeping your people.The Gallup organization came up with 12 questions that assessed an...
EOS® for Everyone: “Once you stop learning, you start dying.”
Albert Einstein famously said this, and it is particularly meaningful for the message I want to pass on to EOS leaders. Your #1 goal is learning. The target market leader that thrives in EOS is entrepreneurial, growth minded, and open minded. Growth minded is simply...
EOS® for Visionaries & Integrators: The Big 3 – Core Processes / Measurables / Same Page Meeting
Managing chaos is hard. In working with entrepreneurial leaders and leadership teams, the word 'chaos' is often touted as ‘whatever it takes’ or ‘do the right thing’ or ‘act like a superhero’. If you think these sound like values, you are correct. My reason for...
3 Tips for Self-Guiding/Facilitating your EOS® Journey
I was recently in a conversation with a visionary who asked about facilitating their own quarterly and ‘graduating’. I did not hide my joy, and reminded him that they had ‘graduated’ a long time ago so it only makes sense for them to try facilitating their own...
EOS® for Visionaries: Your Unique Abilities
Remember Focus Day when your name went into the Visionary seat?In watching visionaries grow into their roles, the top 2 frustrations I continue to hear are: I do not even know what I am supposed to do in this seatI feel like my input isn’t appreciated anymore Do these...
EOS® for Integrators: Three Tools for Integrators
This is a post for integrators only, to remind you of three tools you should be revisiting with the team annually as a way of proactively helping them reset some of the habits we built during the first two years of your EOS journey. LMA Review – The 10 things...