leadership development resources

Clarity Breaks!

Clarity Breaks!

Clarity breaks are a critical part of leadership in EOS, and any leader will benefit from this habit. Here are some tips for getting started or restarted.

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Golf, Ego and Leadership: 3 questions to get you out of the trap

Golf, Ego and Leadership: 3 questions to get you out of the trap

Leadership lessons are all around us. Here is a lesson I learned around EGO during a golf game. The irony is that I failed to listen to the exact words I wrote and the metric(my score) reflected it. Here is how to identify where your ego is getting in your way and three questions to step back and reset. Watching the movie Tin Cup is your homework if you want to explore the topic further.

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Not enough…money? Time? How to move to enough.

Not enough…money? Time? How to move to enough.

Not enough money. Not enough time. Not enough resources. Not enough budget. Do you live in the state of any of these? A wealth manager taught me something today that translates through a lot of situations leaders run into personally and with the teams they lead. Explore it and learn a couple of key questions that can help move past ‘not enough’ to ‘enough’.

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Leadership Wisdom 101: Developing Your Capacity to Lead Change (Part 2 of 3)

Leadership Wisdom 101: Developing Your Capacity to Lead Change (Part 2 of 3)

Managers make widgets; leaders make change. Seth Godin said this, and I believe it. It is why change management is one of the key skills we need to develop as leaders. Opportunities to develop these skills are found both in and outside of work. Here are two models that will help you navigate any life change, and a free download to help guide you next time you are faced with a change.

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Leadership Wisdom 101: Seeing the bigger picture in leading (Part 1 of 3)

Leadership Wisdom 101: Seeing the bigger picture in leading (Part 1 of 3)

We lead in all aspects of our life, and where we get into trouble is when we stop doing it. We also make things harder for ourselves when wisdom and skills gained to help us be successful in one of our leadership roles does not get applied in other areas. Hint – being an effective active listener as a manager can also help you as a mother, father, friend, or neighbor. Here is part 1 of a 3-part series on doing this effectively.

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What book will you read or give?

What book will you read or give?

A good book can be a tremendously inspirational tool, if you pick the right one. Here are some of my top recommendations to gift this holiday season, either to yourself or someone you know – make sure to plan time to read, reflect, and start setting those goals.

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Getting beyond the superficial as leaders: 2 Tips

Getting beyond the superficial as leaders: 2 Tips

Superficial relationships tend to focus on the obvious and inspire nothing new. Leadership can be lonely, and yet I see leaders creating this condition by staying superficial. Here are two tips for moving beyond the superficial.

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3 Reasons Career Discussions Don’t Happen; 2.5 Steps to Start

3 Reasons Career Discussions Don’t Happen; 2.5 Steps to Start

Do you have a plan for your best people on where they will be in a year? Two years? What is keeping you from asking your people about the future? Here are the 3 reasons leaders don’t ask and 2.5 steps to start this conversation. Included are links to all the resources you need to equip your people to Own It! (including a free whitepaper and links to my 4 favorite posts on this topic).

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