Interesting People

Tough Conversations

Leadership is about having honest conversations. The skill of being able to handle difficult conversations (conflict, differing opinions, accountability) is one of the most critical skills for a leader. Fierce Conversations and Crucial Conversations are great books, and here is another offering – a video by Ash Beckham. Talent management is about great conversations, this will help you have more of them.

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Joy by Rich Sheridan chronicles the forming of a company and how a culture focused on Joy was created. Menlo Innovations is not perfect, but they are intentionally trying to do things differently. I loved this book, because I believe talent management is done through Great Conversations, and Rich gives us all a glimpse on how that has worked at Menlo. It is a good read, and any leader or entrepreneur should read it.

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. . . and When We Want Feedback – Step 1

We cannot get better without feedback. It is a critical piece, and in my experience people are not effective at giving or getting it. If you believe that relationships are critical in leadership and building effective teams, then you know that great relationships start with honest conversations that lead to thoughtful actions, and ultimately higher performance. It is the core of talent management and leadership development.

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Gratitude matters. #Nicematters. It is important to share with people a simple Thank You, and when we get those messages from others we need to store them in a #nicematters file. Here is a quick request for my friends, to help me celebrate the gifts of 11 high school seniors. I look forward to a great conversation today.

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Entrepreneurial Leadership – My presentation & Two things I learned

Leadership starts with self-awareness. Self-awareness is only possible if we do some inner work and engage in a community that helps us define and refine our talents and potential. That is talent management, for leaders. Here is a presentation I did around entrepreneurial leadership and two things I learned from the experience.

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Beware of MORE Leadership

Talent management is about great conversations. Ultimately, great conversations are laced with the right words, the right intent, and the right actions. MORE is a word that is part of startup, growth, and leadership conversations, but beware of it. Ultimately it causes motion, but erodes most of the other things that are part of great relationships. Here are 5 reasons why MORE is dangerous.

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3 Books That Make Great Graduation Gifts

College graduation is coming. There is lots of talent coming into the workforce, and here are three books I believe make great gifts for new graduates. Talent management is about having great conversations. These gifts have the potential to start those conversations.

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Greg Hartle – Wisdom from walking around

I had a chance to share a meal with Greg Hartle. Does his name sound familiar? It shouldn’t. Here is some wisdom I gained from a dinner with Greg, and the tips are relevant for anyone. They are especially relevant for people in transition because their work has gone away. Talent management starts with our perspective and willingness to shift.

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Good advice for new or old grads – Effective Immediately Post 1

Talent management is about great conversations. This book not only helps new graduates understand how to apply that in the workforce, but also provided invaluable tips on how to self manage the transition to a new role. The tips provided will also be tools that can be used at any point in a career transition. This is the first post as I read the book – with my ultimate goal of writing a book review.

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4 Things That Identify a Great Community

Shifting Gears is a unique program in Michigan that helps people effectively move through a career transition. Often people that come to a program have been unemployed for 1+ year and are frustrated with what they are experiencing. The key to Shifting Gears is community, and creating it and getting people to contribute to it is the key to making it work. Here are 4 characteristics of a great community.

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Process vs Solution – What does my focus say?

Talent management is about focusing on a process that brings people together to have a great conversation. It could be about performance, career, development, a new job, or a multitude of other topics. The input all connects, and the tools are time and commitment. Here is a quote and some thoughts that sum it all up when it comes to talent management, trust, and business outcomes.

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Follower: How Often Should I Get Feedback?

Jodi Glickman wrote a book called Great on the Job focused on helping college students make a successful step into the workplace, but the advice goes beyond just students. Talent management start with great conversations, and this book provides loads of great advice as to what that looks like. A great addition to any talent management library.

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