
Engagement – The One Question to Ask

The Birkman Method defines it and many leadership programs talk about it. Asking directly What do you Need is a cornerstone question to great leadership. In this question people are invited to the trUPerformance conversation.

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Leadership Assistance Program

Leadership is challenging. One challenge is creating a safe place for conversations and still have boundaries when problems come to you that are beyond what you can help solve. The formal name is Employee Assistance Program, but another good name is Leadership Assistance Program.

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Developing People = Crockpot Cooking, not a microwave

Helping people define a future place/role they aspire to is challenging because the outcome takes time. Tyranny of the urgent makes these conversations hare, even though the questions to answer are simple. It takes great leadership and great followership to make these conversations and the outcomes happen.

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The 5 Levels of Followership

Is it wrong to talk about great followership? We talk about great leadership. Here are five levels of followership that make people think and will drive the question to leaders “So what do you think.”

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Rotten Apple or Rotten Barrel?

So is the person failing because they are a rotten apple or are they in a rotten barrel? A question worth asking and some perspective on how it can be a powerful question for both leaders and followers.

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Don’t Be Mean – Part One

What is the cost of a figure it out development plan for new leaders? There is research that suggests a 40% failure rate in leadership transitions and the costs are high and understood. But there is also a real cost to the individual. I would also argue that with all this knowledge, it MEAN. Here is the first part of my argument.

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