
Behind Performance Adjectives Series: Self-Centered

Adjectives are powerful words, and understanding them is critical to managing ourselves and building positive relationships with others. Here are some tips for seeing self-centered differently using the Birkman Method. If we understand things we can fix things. Talent management is about great conversations, and having an understand the adjective conversation is important.

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Knowing our roles:  One Thing A Leader Does

Knowing our roles: One Thing A Leader Does

Living into the roles in our lives often requires us to take a second look at our priorities. Being a great Dad, Mom, Friend, or Leader means naming the priorities and making time for them. Talent management is about great conversations. Living into the roles in our lives means having some of these conversations.

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Truth unsaid

What is the impact of not saying what you are feeling? For your job, it is letting what has been said and what others feel drive the conversation. Is that okay? Talent management is about great conversations. Having them is not always easy, but when it happens it is beautiful. Here are some tips for having them.

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Forget your brand. What is your art?

Talent management is about great conversations. For an individual to participate in these conversations, it is critical for them to bring a self awareness of what gifts and talents they have. Creating this self awareness as part of helping people find their place is critical. One key is how we talk about it, and Seth Godin uses the term Artist vs the traditional approach of talking about Brand.

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Employee Survey 101

Talent management is about great conversations. Doing an employee survey correctly requires the courage to step back and answer some fundamental questions about why you want to do it and what commitment you are willing to make as a leadership team. Here are some tips for having a conversation in the beginning that will build a foundation for success.

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Leadership Journey – Strengths to overused Strengths

Talent management is about having great conversations. For leadership development, those great conversations are critical to have when transitions happen. Not sure if you believe this? Then read this post. Believe it? Then read this post where I give you some resources to become better at handling these situations so they don’t happen again.

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Listen: If you hear any of these 3 things you/we have a problem

Talent management is about great conversations. If you hear any of these statements coming from your own mouth or someone else’s, then there is a problem. Listen for these, figure out where it is coming from, and fix it. It is natural to have these barriers as leaders seek to have greater conversations with their people, but if we get stuck on one of these then things will get messy.

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Rule #1: Sleep

Sometimes it is the simple messages that are the most important. Like “just go to bed.” This message has made all the difference in the world for me, and I have the authors of Rework to thank for that.

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You don’t need more data

Talent management is about great conversations. I have used the Strengthsfinder assessment to facilitate the start of over 500 of these conversations. Now you can get more data from Gallup on the Strengthsfinder assessment, but you do not need more data. Here is why.

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My Top 4 Learning Tools

Where do you learn? Here are my top four sources of learning. Talent management is about great conversations. What is the conversation you are having with yourself about what you need to learn today?

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Greg Hartle – Wisdom from walking around

I had a chance to share a meal with Greg Hartle. Does his name sound familiar? It shouldn’t. Here is some wisdom I gained from a dinner with Greg, and the tips are relevant for anyone. They are especially relevant for people in transition because their work has gone away. Talent management starts with our perspective and willingness to shift.

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