Scott Patchin

Everyone needs a Target. Everyone!

Talent management is about great conversations. It is a mistake to assume a six figure salary means that people can be totally independent and will create their own performance expectations. The one on one template I use defines that expectation and helps people see the goal that must be attained.

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It must be the shoes – Yes and No, but mostly No

Making the most of the talent in ourselves is less about learning and more about heart, attitude, and community. I received some Supeman shoes yesterday that remind me of that, and of 21 special people I was able to share a journey with over the last 106 days. The shoes are a reminder of what is really important.

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Can the CEO Coach? 2 Myths that get in the way

Making a transition to a senior level leader is tough. The CEO can play a key role in success, and they can also choose to stay away until it is too late. Here are two myths that get in the way of a CEO being a coach/mentor for the success of their leaders. Talent management is about great conversations – get past these myths and you can go have one.

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Questions to help the work get done (and the team to be built)

Talent management starts with what we will commit to doing and making sure we have what we need to be successful. These are also the building blocks for teamwork. Seth Godin paints a great picture of teamwork and how to get past disagreements. Here are a few more questions to help you use these to solve your disagreements and move the work/the team/your contribution forward.

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What is your learning BRAND?

Have you heard of TED? Where do you learn? Talent management is about great conversations. As part of that conversation, I love to ask these two questions to help me understand someones learning Brand. Use them, and if you are asked, be ready to offer some authentic and energized answers.

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What do I do?

Talent management and leadership starts with great conversations. One of the most important conversations is around What do I do? In the answer and the process towards the answer is the essence of leadership. The clarity, focus, and accountability that is built into this question will take you to a different place in terms of your performance.

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Building a Leadership Development Program from Scratch

How do you build a leadership development program from scratch? It is a questions posed to me and it would not leave my brain until I wrote it down. Talent management is about great conversations, and leadership development is about structuring those conversations around experiences, self reflection, and networking. It can be done well and with a single currency – time from other leaders.

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What if We Called It Your Individual Development Story?

A key piece of talent management is an individual development plan. Yet so few people have them, and something has to change because it is one of the most critical pieces of the process of helping someone get better. What if we called it an individual development story? When we call it a story the elements we look for and the roles we offer become clearer and expected. Talent management is about great conversations. An individual development story has all the makings of a great conversation.

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5 Key Outcomes – Individual Development Plan Conversation

Talent management is about great conversations between a leader and a follower over time. I use the talent scorecard to help leaders assess their own habits and get some feedback on where they need to start. The lack of development plans are one item that has emerged as a major gap in the habits of leaders. To understand the benefits of investing time into this effort, here are 5 key outcomes that happen when we make development plans a habit.

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What Staking A Web Claim Says About You

We say we are lots of things, and talent management is about knowing and utilzing those things. But can we really say we are creative and progressive if we do not own a web domain? I think it is a good measure.

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3 Things To Give Development Plans Momentum

So how do you set measures for a development plan that will be meaningful and result in positive momentum for the talent management in your organization? Here are three thoughts that will help leaders create meaningful measures for development goals. The talent scorecard is also a great place for leaders to assess their own habits.

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Our Talent / Self Awareness Language – Have One?

Talent management is a conversation. Here are three questions you might have and books to read that will help you explore and find answers. The backdrop of the whole talent management conversation is self awareness and community. Here are two tools that will help create the awareness you need as an individual and sharing it with others will create the community you will need to support your own journey.

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