Is boss watching the #1 sport in the office? Not sure. But leaders need to have the self awareness to know people are watching and lead with transparency. Leadership is about building trust and generating truth to such questions as Why is this happening? or What are you thinking about? Boss watching is about followers filling in the blanks.
leadership transitions
Lifeguards for Leaders: Who is watching?
Safety around water is important because the risk is real, and a drowning victim has a name. This lesson hit me during a recent swimming lesson, and it has application in leadership development. What do new leaders need? A lifeguard of sorts – called leadership development, an on-boarding plan, or a mentor.
Don’t Be Mean – Part Two . . the 5 step solution for leaders
In part one I labelled an unsupported leadership transition as MEAN. This is the second post where I outline some simple things a leader can do to lower the chance of failure for a new leader to their team. This is a guest post on Mary Jo Asmus’ site, an excellent coach and a friend.
Don’t Be Mean – Part One
What is the cost of a figure it out development plan for new leaders? There is research that suggests a 40% failure rate in leadership transitions and the costs are high and understood. But there is also a real cost to the individual. I would also argue that with all this knowledge, it MEAN. Here is the first part of my argument.
Here is what I think. . . TrustBUSTERâ„¢ #5 – Tells a lot, listens very little
TrustBUSTERâ„¢ #5 – Tells a lot, listens very little. What is this and how does it relate to leadership and how organizations operate. What are the top 3 listening times for leaders? Where does the employee survey fit into all of this?
TrustBUSTERâ„¢ #3 – Slow to extend trust to others (and Why onboarding matters)
TrustBUSTER #3 – Slow to extend trust to others. Understand what this behavior is, what are the implications of doing this as a leader, and what organizations can do through onboarding and leadership development to make this behavior go away.