key note speaker

Responsibility or Accountability?

Responsibility or Accountability?

The short answer for any leader working in an EOSĀ® company is - Yes. But these two words are not equal, and two leadership gurus I respect have pulled me both ways. Patrick Lencioni included Accountability as layer number four in the pyramid made famous in his book,...

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WI SHRM: What to do with a talent anchor?

The question from a Wisconsin SHRM attendee about keeping a person who is bringing income into the company, but is doing things that keep the CEO up at night and cost the company money in other areas. The talent scorecard is in place to drive truthful conversations around people like this.

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WISHRM2011 – How to support development plans?

This is a question from the Wisconsin State SHRM Conference in 2011. I was invited to speak on the Talent Management Scorecard. The question was How do you recommend supporting momentum once development plans are established?

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