I just ended a vacation where our four children were around a lot. One of my goals was to listen, and I also found myself reading one book they all recommended (Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff) and starting a second book...
Fierce Conversations
People Habits before People Skills – Johari Window
It is great to have a goal of Fierce or Crucial Conversations – but while the skills are critical for leaders, the success of implementing this work rests largely on your ability to create the time to practice them and get better. The one-on-one is a critical place for this work, and here are some Johari Window videos that will help you look differently at this time. Talent management is about great conversations – and great conversations are honest, result in thoughtful actions, and ultimately lead to improved performance.
Excuses or Reasons? Two practices to help you listen
How many times have you walked into a situation as a leader, parent, or friend and heard a mountain of excuses and nothing got fixed? We know the impact of an excuses, but how do we get to a different outcome? Talent management is about having great conversations, and having those conversations requires us to manage ourselves well and maybe make some changes on how we manage others. Here are two practices this week to focus on.
Questions to help the work get done (and the team to be built)
Talent management starts with what we will commit to doing and making sure we have what we need to be successful. These are also the building blocks for teamwork. Seth Godin paints a great picture of teamwork and how to get past disagreements. Here are a few more questions to help you use these to solve your disagreements and move the work/the team/your contribution forward.
They asked: Performance management in small companies and Crucial Conversations
Questions from HR professionals around the Talent Scorecard and other talent management activities. These two questions center around talent management in small companies and how my approach to performance compares with the focus of Crucial Conversations.
Leader/Manager as Culture Builder
Managing Right For The First Time is a book for new and experienced managers to think about what they do and learn how to do the basics right. Building culture is a key task of a leader, and everything they do impacts it. However, there are some big things they could be doing that will make a substantial difference in the culture they create. This is part of a series of posts around a book by David Baker. Culture is a critical piece in the talent development for any team or organization, and it starts with performance management.
Why People Don’t Hear – 3 Actions To Help
Listening is not always THEIR problem. Leaders need to be clear and people need to have time to digest either positive or negative news. Too often there is confusion and surprise. Here are 3 steps for leaders to make sure the news is heard and it makes a difference.
How do you motivate others to do more? #followership
What to do with people that are not performing on a team? This is a question asked in my leadership / followership class and I committed to blog on the answer.
Leave the Squirrels Alone – Put Energy Where It Matters
Making decisions in the heat of a ‘battle’ often results in costly choices. The cost might only be time, but more than likely it is eroded trust, weakened relationships, and a shift from we thinking to me thinking. Seth Godin calls this lizard brain thinking. So how do we avoid it?
TrustBUSTERâ„¢ #1 – Talking behind the backs of teammates
A few thoughts on TrustBUSTER #1 – Talks negatively about teammates behind their backs.