leadership development resources

Good Question – Great Question

What if we asked more questions? You might be thinking that you do ask more questions, at least compared to the people around you. Here is some research on kids that I believe applies to adults. Do you really think the graph starts going back up AFTER the age of 18? It comes down to being aware of how our EGO gets in the way and committing to asking GREAT questions vs GOOD questions.

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Read Seth

Read Seth

People who want to be there best find ways to feed their thirst for excellence. For me, Seth Godin is a voice that feeds me. He takes a fancy corporate slogan like Entrepreneurial Spirit and makes it simple, real, and actionable. I have two questions I ask people to see how hungry they are for knowledge and personal excellence – Do you read Seth? and What is your favorite TED talk? Here is a few thoughts for leaders and individuals.

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Relationships or Performance?

When relationships matter, process trumps outcome. Leadership does not have to be about relationships or performance, and yet there are circumstances where performance do trump relationships. Great conversations start with a question. Here are some questions to help you think about how you are aligned as a leader.

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The talent shortage – and 4 tips for what you can do today

Is there a talent shortage? Yes. The numbers all point to a tightening labor market. When I do an occassional project in this space here is what I see. Remember, the goal of a good search is to look more attractive as an employer than the other companies that are looking. Here are some tips . . .

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Never Start With Do

Leadership development is about honest conversations, that lead to thoughtful actions, and improved performance. It rarely starts with the DO of practice, but the DO of observation. Here is what I mean by that.

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When we don’t react, and Listen

Great conversations start with a question. Leadership development is about learning to listen and then react, and to act out of an understanding of most of the variables in the situation so that the decision is the best one for your people and the organization. That is what I believe, and this is a piece of how to DO that has a leader. This is also a foundation for talent management.

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Just Add Joy – Just ask Rich Sheridan

Building a culture and developing leaders are two big conversations. A new book by Rich Sheridan does a great job telling one story and helping people understand where they should start. Great conversations start with a question – and the best conversations are honest, lead to thoughful actions, and ultimately improve performance. Rich Sheridan has a great story and I recommend it to leaders who want to build a better culture.

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4 Words That Frame the Succession Conversation, 2 Tips to Reframe it

Succession planning is an important conversation, and a difficult one. Here are two tips for making it easier, and some feedback from a recent keynote topic I did on the topic. Talent management is about having great conversations. Great is about having honest conversations, leading to thoughtful actions, and improved performance.

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4 Fallacies of Networking

Networking is an important part of professional development, and it is also a key for making a successful career transition. It is also something that takes time, and too often people don’t start soon enough. Here are four fallacies of networking that have developed from over a decade of working with people in career transitions and training people around the importance of building relationships. Relationships are a cornerstone of professional development.

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People Habits before People Skills – Johari Window

It is great to have a goal of Fierce or Crucial Conversations – but while the skills are critical for leaders, the success of implementing this work rests largely on your ability to create the time to practice them and get better. The one-on-one is a critical place for this work, and here are some Johari Window videos that will help you look differently at this time. Talent management is about great conversations – and great conversations are honest, result in thoughtful actions, and ultimately lead to improved performance.

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Tough Conversations

Leadership is about having honest conversations. The skill of being able to handle difficult conversations (conflict, differing opinions, accountability) is one of the most critical skills for a leader. Fierce Conversations and Crucial Conversations are great books, and here is another offering – a video by Ash Beckham. Talent management is about great conversations, this will help you have more of them.

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Lots of Reasons, No Excuses

Talent management is about great conversations. One aspect of a great conversation is Lots of Reasons, and no excuses. This is a leadership tool that will transform how you listen and how you lead. When you do it well, accountability and safety follows.

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