How worried are you about finding the right people? Lots has been written about the talent shortage recently. In a recent study my state (Michigan) actually ranked as the fourth toughest state for finding talent based on a survey of employers. As I interact with...
Keynote topic
Powerful Question For Leaders – What is within your control?
What is within your control? A powerful question that digs through the complexity of a situation and helps us see our role in the solution. It is that simple, and not that easy. How do you, as a leader, respond to truth statements that come out of frustration, conflict, or just plain being busy? Here are three actions to consider the next time you go mining for what your team really believes. A big part of leadership is about great conversations – here are some tips to having some.
The ONE key to performance
Everyone is a leader. More correctly, everyone has a chance to lead each day in all aspects of their life. It is your choice, so what is your answer? I work on helping leaders to lead more effectively, and I believe leadership is a partnership, so getting teams to work together is critical to effective leadership. Here are 5 tips for helping people manage their career and performance. The title should be – 5 Tips to help you lead from wherever you sit in the organization.
Time to DEVELOP PEOPLE – 3 Tips to Make It Happen
Time has replaced money as the number one excuse from leaders for not developing their people. Here are three tips for making it happen if it truly is a priority, and one tip includes a lesson I learned parenting teenagers to help shift the conversation from excuses to reasons. I believe Learning + Doing = Growth, and here are some thoughts and resources for making that happen for you and your people around leadership and individual development.
Failure 101 – The Movie Is Better Than The Book
Failure is painful, and yet a key part of the ‘entrepreneurial mindset’. This hit me as I tried to read a book from a speaker that gave me one of my favorite TED talks, Sherry Turkle. The book was not good in my opinion, and it reminded me of watching teams/leaders process failure. Here is one step you can take as a leader to see how your team processes failure – which will tell you how you lead through mistakes and failures.
3 Tips for Doing Leadership Development Better Than Your Competitors
Leadership development in any organization is pretty simple, and here are some thoughts on how any size organization can do it effectively. Hidden secret – If you are a growth focused organization you have a HUGE advantage over your bigger and slower rivals. Another hint – doing this well WILL MAKE YOU STAND OUT in the war for talent. Here are 3 tips in addition to my past trUTips on how to get started.
4 Questions People-Centered Change Leaders Ask
Leadership is about change management. Here is a story about a coach of a football program rich with tradition, and he was not successful. It had nothing to do with him being a good coach, because he has proven he is a great coach – in the right situations. Getting the most out of your talent and leading effectively is about people-centered leadership. In transition, this is even more important, and here are 4 questions to ask and a proven process for navigating that change.
Writing More Effective Goals – Some tools that will help
My goal is to equip leaders to lead more effectively, and development plans are a key part of leadership and general talent development. Here is a LinkedIn article i just published and one other worksheet you might find helpful.
Passion and Art: Why does it matter?
The passion of the artist. Where does it fit in the performance equation and how do we find it? Here is the where, and a little bit of the how, but the how is a much bigger conversation. Here are four beliefs about passion and a few tips to shift your perspective about how to seek it.
Leadership and EGO: Words of Wisdom from Alan Mulally
In a recent Inc. editorial, advice from Alan Mulally (past CEO of Ford and Boeing) was direct and simple – It’s not about you. It is all about the plan. The biggest trap for leaders is EGO, and Mulally gives some simple advice for battling that in how you lead and in the culture you create. Inc. Magazine is a must read for leaders in my opinion, and here is a great excerpt to share with others at your next leadership meeting.
3 Questions that help create a culture that SUPPORTS performance
Is a performance conversation you are having with your own leader, peer, or direct report laced with adjectives and/or emotions? Too often they are, and it clouds the real issues that need to be talked about. Here are some tips for creating a culture that supports performance – whether you are a leader or someone being led.
Read Seth
People who want to be there best find ways to feed their thirst for excellence. For me, Seth Godin is a voice that feeds me. He takes a fancy corporate slogan like Entrepreneurial Spirit and makes it simple, real, and actionable. I have two questions I ask people to see how hungry they are for knowledge and personal excellence – Do you read Seth? and What is your favorite TED talk? Here is a few thoughts for leaders and individuals.