
Choices. (career and talent management)

Career development planning is about choices. It is about thinking about what we want to be doing in the future, and preparing ourselves to meet a goal for prepare ourselves for a different path. At the heart of talent management is preparing the individual to bring an awareness of self to this conversation and helping the leader listen, guide, direct, challenge, and ultimately partner. Talent management is about great conversations, and at the heart of those conversations is ultimately a choice.

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trU Tips #16a – One on Ones and Leadership

Talent management is not a form, or a process, but a commitment to a place where everything (or most everything) works. The job is great, people are getting what they need, people are owning their role, and teams are helping each other be successful. It takes great leadership, great followership, and most importantly it takes frequent and very open conversations. The one on one is the critical piece of this, and here is a form to help a one on one work well. The result is great talent management.

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A tool to help leaders listen

What does effective leadership look like when you meet one on one with your people? What does good followership look like, and how do you ask the right questions of your leader and share with them what you need so they can lead? Talent management is about great conversations, and here is a template to make that happen.

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3 Habits To Help Great Leaders Be Good Managers

Leadership is important, but being able to be an effective manager is also important. Talent management (getting the most out of your people) does not happen without engaging people one on one, getting to know them, listening to what they need, and helping them. Here are 3 habits for any leader to help this to happen.

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Failure (continuing a thought from Seth Godin)

Failure is an important part of leadership and followership. Striving to be our best does not mean always being right. Seth Godin planted the seed for this post, and I reflect on how certain leaders show they are special by how they process failure openly. Leadership development, self awareness, and building a great culture require a healthy attitude towards failure.

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Transformation or Training?

Talent management is too often focused on putting in what was left out. Real change takes energy, and acknowledging that helps the performance evalutation and professional development focus take on more significance. We need to ask up front “Are you ready?” and then the leader needs to ask “How can I help?” Leaders need to remember that their role in talent management is to help define the what and how – – then support in the journey to a new place. Great followership involves making a choice to go to a new place.

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Leadership Development Starts – BEFORE you lead

David Baker wrote a book to help new managers make their transition successful. As I read Managing Right For The First Time in preparation for writing a review, I will share things that make me go Hmmmm. Some thoughts are around leadership development, while some are just about self awareness or individual development. This is about starting your development before you lead.

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Followership: Moving/Leading up the model

Leadership and followership are topics that belong together. Here are some of my take aways from a team event that I facilitated recently. It was a great discussion for defining What is Leadership and What is Followership. This could be a great keynote topic.

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Talent – What your CEO is reading today

There is a special section today around talent management in the Wall Street Journal. The great thing is that it is written for business leaders in their language and it opens the door for you, as an HR leader to help them process and apply some of it in your own company. A great read . . .

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WISHRM2011 – How to support development plans?

This is a question from the Wisconsin State SHRM Conference in 2011. I was invited to speak on the Talent Management Scorecard. The question was How do you recommend supporting momentum once development plans are established?

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Boss Watching: 3 Actions to Manage it

Is boss watching the #1 sport in the office? Not sure. But leaders need to have the self awareness to know people are watching and lead with transparency. Leadership is about building trust and generating truth to such questions as Why is this happening? or What are you thinking about? Boss watching is about followers filling in the blanks.

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Why People Don’t Hear – 3 Actions To Help

Listening is not always THEIR problem. Leaders need to be clear and people need to have time to digest either positive or negative news. Too often there is confusion and surprise. Here are 3 steps for leaders to make sure the news is heard and it makes a difference.

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